What We Do

Turn Key Farming

Overall Turn-Key project planning :

1. Farm Assessment or Initiation phase

We will conduct a farm assessment to ensure that we understand your business and that we see your vision of your farm to maximize production from the beginning.

We will conduct a feasibility study to identify the following:

  • Site survey and assessment
  • Funding status
  • What will you be looking to produce and quantities to be allocated as well as Cannabis Licence application statuses if relevant
  • Farm and building designs or adaptations
  • Water reticulation, quality, irrigation assessment and planning
  • Buildings allocated for the farm
  • Equipment currently on hand
  • Offtake agreements and SLA’s
  • Assist with submissions for licencing if necessary
  • Global GAP, Euro GAP, GMP and Organic certification readiness

After the initial feasibility study has been completed we will draft a project charter, identify key stakeholders as well as select the best suited project management tool for the operations at hand. By the end of this phase, our consultant should have a high-level understanding of the project’s purpose, goals, requirements, and risks.

2. Farm design, layout and budget – The Planning phase

MCC will ensure that all the needs of the farm are addressed as well as draft a project charter which will be signed off by all relevant stakeholders.

The planning phase is critical to creating a project roadmap the entire team can follow. This is where all of the details and goals are outlines in order to meet the requirements laid out by the organization.

During this phase, our consultants will typically:

  • Create a project plan
  • Develop a resource plan
  • Define the goals and performance measures
  • Build out workflows
  • Anticipate risks and create contingency plans
    processes of cultivation, processing, production, compliance, and security.

Some areas of focus for the above will include but not be limited to:

  • Establish goals and deliverables
  • Identify the team members, and assign tasks
  • Develop a draft project plan
  • Define which metrics will be used to measure project success
  • Identify and prepare potential roadblocks
  • Establish logistics and schedules for team communication
  • Schedule relevant meetings
  • Set agenda and prepare for execution
  • Asset and equipment registers
  • Site readiness
    • Electrical compatibility and sufficiency as well as redundancy
    • Building and floor plan layout and designs
    • Electrical and mechanical as well equipment specifications
    • Security requirements
    • Equipment sourcing
    • Integrated Pest management (Biological, physical, organic and environmental management thereof)
      • Application rates and concentrations
      • MSD (Material Safety Data) Sheets
      • Foliar treatment
      • Inoculants
    • Incineration Management
    • Lighting
    • HVAC
    • Cultivation type – Greenhouse, Outdoor, Indoor as well as agriculture planting methodology development based on relevant site specifications as well as budget
      • Aeroponics
      • Hydroponics (Open or closed systems)
      • Bubbleponics
      • Conventional planting
      • No till planting
      • Regenerative farming
    • Water Treatment, storage, fertigation and irrigation
      • Nutrient volumes, ratios, and recommended inputs for each growing stage
      • CO2, HVAC, Lighting and all required inputs
    • SAPHRA Licence applications where necessary (Technical and Theoretical inputs)
      • Site Plans
      • Standard Operating Procedures
      • Site Master File
      • Good Agriculture Practices file and documentation records as well as audit ready.
      • SAPS Clearances and staff background checks
      • Licencing requirements and payments
    • Financial Model and projected forecasts
      • Project budget and timelines
      • Projected income statement
      • ROI for investment
      • Cash flow Statements
      • 5 Year projected forecast
      • Letter of Intent for offtake of products

3. The Execution phase

Once all deliverables have been set out and the project plan has been finalized and all stakeholders have signed off then the execution phase will start and the project will be implemented accordingly.

Project success is created through manageable monitoring and control levels namely:

3.1.  Time management

The amount of time allocated to each task is recorded and controlled by our consultants and each activity is documented accordingly.

3.2.  Cost management

Cost of the greatest concern to us because the budget is allocated to the farm and its relevant deliverables and goals. It is of utmost importance to ensure that there and no snags or additional unexpected issues regarding the budget. Strict financial control is to be ensured and recorded accordingly.

3.3.  Quality management

To meet Customer expectations and standards as well as conduct quality review audits. Quality reviews are frequent audits of the procedure to ensure it meets specific parameters as indicated by the project and customer requirements.

3.4.  Change Management

If a change in the project’s scope of work, cost, or schedule is required, us as the consultants must formally request the change and get the changes approved. This is called change management. A change register is used to record all changes made throughout the project

3.5.  Risk Management

This involves handling the potential disadvantages and drawbacks that may arise during a project. Every project has risks. We are also responsible for managing all project-related risks, and each risk is recorded in the risk register.

3.6.  Procurement management

Our consultants will purchase supplies from various suppliers, and each supplier requires a purchase order to produce supplies for the project team. Procurement management is the process of managing orders requested and received from each supplier of the project.

3.7.  Acceptance management

Acceptance management is the process by which the project team gains acceptance of the final deliverables from the customer. We will manage customer expectations and make any changes the customer requires. Standard Operating procedures will also be implemented and we will ensure that all team members are on the same page moving forward with the business.

3.8.  Staff management systems

Overall staffing requirement is determined according to competencies. Staffing requirements will be based on skills, Critical Cross Field Outcomes as well as Key Performance indicators. Staff will be trained according to the relevant production system on a BOT system – Build, Operate and Transfer of skills. All work skills will be recorded on a daily log book by each worker to ensure that they are overall competent with the production procedures.

3.8.1.    Key areas for staff will include:

  • Cultivation
  • Production, processing, manufacturing
  • All post harvesting like drying, curing, trimming, packaging
  • Vendor relationships and certification thereof
  • Third party contracting services
  • Internal and external contracts
  • Organograms of Management and staff levels
  • Recruitment criteria as well as roles and responsibilities

4.    Controlling and management phase

This phase happens in tandem with the execution phase. As the project moves forward, the project manager must make sure all moving parts are seamlessly headed in the right direction. If adjustments to the project plan need to be made due to unforeseen circumstances or a change in direction, they may happen here. These changes will be recorded and updated as the project moves forward and will recorded in one the following manners or some of the following ways:

  • Management of all resources
  • Monitor project performance
  • Risk management
  • Performance status meetings and reports
  • Update project schedule
  • Modify project plans

5.    Project Closure phase

The closing phase will signal the ending or completion phase of the project and the customer can now carry on with the day to day operations of the farm and ensure sustainability of the business.

We will ensure that we carry out the following tasks before wrapping up the project:

  • Take inventory of all deliverables
  • Compliance with all GAP, GMP as well as international and local standards
  • Tie up any loose ends
  • Hand the project off to the client or the team that will be managing the project’s day to day operations
  • Perform a post-mortem to discuss and document any learnings from the project
  • Organize all project documents in a centralized location which will include some of the listed items below
    • SMF
    • Feasibility studies
    • Project plans
    • Compliance certificates
    • Standard Operating Procedures
    • GAP, GMP and Manufacturing documents
    • Training registers, manuals, documentation and evaluation forms
    • CAPA documentation
    • All Staffing details, Job Descriptions, Contracts
    • All operational procedures as well as user manuals
    • Quality Management System based on Security, Cultivation, Documentation Control, as well as facility handling
  • Communicate the success of the project to stakeholders and executives
  • Celebrate project completion and acknowledge team members